Behind The Brand

3LAB is a global leader in high-tech skincare. 3LAB merges beauty with science to bring you the latest in skincare innovation.


The Advanced Science Of Perfecting Your Skin

3LAB is a global leader in high-tech skincare. We merge beauty with science to bring you the latest in skincare innovation.

Our dynamic line of high-end, anti-aging products produce real results that address multiple skin concerns from combating environmental damage to reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

3LAB has been behind some of the biggest breakthroughs in the beauty industry. Our Super “h” serum is an antioxidant powerhouse, lauded by the editors at Allure and featured as a “top splurge” award winner in the magazine’s 2014 Best of Beauty issue. Super Cream, uses “smart” technology to deliver antioxidants and encapsulated collagen and elastin producing peptides right where they’re needed. It’s like a GPS system for your skin, increasing elastin and collagen production for quick and noticeable results.

​ 3LAB was born out of a desire to create the perfect anti-aging skincare line — one that would offer luxury with the science to back it up. Our products are loved by beauty editors, celebrities and skincare experts. Are you ready to PERFECT your skin?


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