Behind The Brand

Ramon Monegal is the 4th generation of the Monegal family, founders of Myrurgia, which for over 100 years has been imagining and creating perfumes, an historic landmark in the world of perfume and a role model that deserves to be celebrated.


A member of one of Spain’s most renowned perfumer families, Ramón Monegal has been submerged in the process of creating scents his entire life. A true master of the art, he developed the concept of ‘olfactory image’, a process through which he crafts some of the world’s most distinctive perfumes.

Approaching his scents through a strictly artisanal process, Ramón Monegal works with exclusive ingredients to produce luxurious, timeless scents with an undercurrent of Mediterranean passion.

This diverse collection ranges from the musky Bravo Oud to the floral aroma of Kiss My Name, offering a scent for every taste and personality.


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