Behind The Brand

Thameen London is a fragrance brand born in London in 2013 telling the bricolage stories of British cultures and heritage.


Thameen's fragrances are created with a profound love and passion for the craftsmanship of fine niche perfumery with world renowned perfumers. Their fragrances are the results of creativity through storytelling and being good to our environment with the ingredients and materials we choose. Thameen fragrances are created with enviable artistry, memorable sillage and intensive longevity by using the most sustainable ingredients.

In the first quarter of 2023 Thameen London proudly announces the launch of The Britologne Collection heralding and defining a new era of olfactive zeitgeist. An amalgamation of the words British and Cologne, the classic cologne structure is re-imagined and magnified with complex chords and accords with intensive projection and longevity. All fragrances in this collection are categorised as Cologne Elixir defining an inventive and playful interpretation.

Thameen London brings to the fragrance industry and international markets a forward thinking British semantics with a purposeful spirit adapting to an ever changing landscape in perfumery.


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